a spaceman came travelling ?? in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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a spaceman came travelling ??

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leg_end758 | 23:17 Sun 09th Dec 2007 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
listening to this on the radio . and i wondered . does anyone believe that jesus may have been a spaceman or traveller from another galaxxy? or even sent from the creator??? is it any more strange?now that we know space travel is possible . than that jesus was the son of a carpenter from an immaculate conception. born of avirgin. crucified and then died . and raised from the dead???? i gotta say the old spaceman theory sounds a bit more plausible . so what do you truly truly think??
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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I don;t think he was called Jesus, i think he was called Mohammed and they changed his name to protect the innocent. (stands back as someone tries to read into my humour stuff that ain;t there)
You could read Luke's gospel, and see what you think from that. If you think it is all made up and the spaceman-traveller (links please?) is a better option, then go ahead.

So, tell us all, why is the spaceman theory so much better than what Luke and a few others originally testified to ?
Question Author
it was an entirely sensible question.dont you have a sensible answer dot??
do you believe he was a carpenters son or not???
is the question tooo difficult ??????????
Question Author
aint heard of any immaculate concep[tions.
heard of plenty of sightings of aliens .

forget luke and the arrrrseholes.

do u actually believe he died etc etc ??

It's very very difficult, i do not have a theology background, maybe you should have posted this in that there religious category that we have on ab, posting in in CB can only produce dunce responses like woy mine was based on knowing nowt about it
didn't you get a basic education dot?
The question is not at all difficult, but the questioner is a complete fool. Luke and others testify to the crucifixion, and the resurrection. But, then, I suppose Luke was a complete ar$ehole. Leg end, you are a waste of space, a dithering drunken fool, a complete non-entity, posting non-stop garbage.

Have you ever read Luke's gospel ? Why would he write a pack of lies ?
Question Author
i believe the bible and the gospels were written by many persons not just the aposles you fool.

i guess folk writing of aliens hundreds of years ago too must be true then?
well why give more creedence to fishermen in gallilee?

you are indeed a bumbling fool
Question Author
oh btw whiff ur saying the immaculate conception is fact???

and your evidence??

a few pages written in hebrew whenever and translated ???

you really are a sad fool
6th grade education me, noone could write like wot i could
Question Author
so u think a woman could get pregnant 2000 years ago without se dot???
welll its the crux of the story you fool
Leg end, the drink is catching up with you. Luke opens his writings with, "..... therefore since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning..."

You also no doubt have investigated everything carefully from the bottom of a whiskey glass.

You are so much more credible than Luke.
Question Author
luke the fisherman was an authority on artificial insemmination whiffey?
cos thats the only way to get pregnant without a penile insertion.

unless you know another way???
Question Author
or perhaps luke was a genetic scientist ????
Luke was a doctor. IQ greater than 50, and claimed to write of what he had seen. That may not fit in with your drunken ramblings, but it has a bit more credibility when the whisky has worn off.
note to leggie whifster posted
bottom of whiskey glass mmmmmmmmm joe springs into mind
i have no clue I am watching darcy bussle and that welsh bird singing and only sideways watching wot you are getting your hair off at and so do not presume i am even half interested in owt really, that is the beauty of being on your own broardband see, 'I pay I say' is my new motto
Question Author
no probs

just doin some research on pete
your fave moan

i will post soon

dotty : -)
Question Author
he liked the bottom of the whisky glass too
sad what drink did to him

beware whiffffster

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a spaceman came travelling ??

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