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trying to get this song

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autobagger | 22:16 Tue 22nd Jan 2008 | Music
3 Answers
woman without a man or man without a woman like a ship without a sail any body no it think it was max bygraves


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It was indeed Max Bygraves, and I think it may have been called "A Man Without A Woman".

Essentially the words went:

Now a man without a woman is like a ship without a sail
Is like a boat without a rudder, or a shirt without a tail
Now a man without a woman is like a wreck upon the sand
But if there's one thing worse in this universe
Then it's a woman, I said a woman
I mean a woman without a man
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many thanks narolines thats the song !! just got to find it now
If you're looking for a recording, you may have quite a search on your hands, though I believe it was covered by several artists; I've got a feeling I can remember hearing it sung by a female voice as well. If you're after the sheet music try here: rchtype=songtitle&songid=122461

It's in both these collections.

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