Who sings this song?!? HELP!!! in The AnswerBank: Music
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Who sings this song?!? HELP!!!

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Star | 06:17 Wed 28th Jul 2004 | Music
3 Answers
Theres this song sang on the new Axe commercial and some of the song goes, "Electric shiver crosses my skin,just like a fever and your my only medicine," I don't know the title or who sings it HELP!!
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Are you abroad? Think Axe is the equivalent of Lynx here and they had a song that started like that for the Touch deodorant. Had a guy who was able to undress women without touching them... more here: http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Search/Question41400-16.asp?P age=1&SearchText=
try this website- www.commercialbreaksandbeats.co.uk
The new AXE SONG is so KEWL! The song goes, SEXY Thang, Your so SEXY! I love it. A girl sings it and she is RAD!

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