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song title / artist

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SOMMERS | 15:19 Mon 18th Feb 2008 | Music
4 Answers
i was in a store last saturday when a rather catchy song was played. my wife asked who it was and i did'nt know. it sounded like one of the recent guitar bands and after giving it some thought i think it could be the ordinary boys or even hard fi. the main hook line goes
' the aint no party,,, like a party at our house '
your help, as always, will be appreciated.


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Hi there
Hopefully im right
I think the artist is Orson and its called Aint no party
Hope this helps
Question Author
thanks for the quick reply - i'll check it out later
Yes it is most definitely Orson.
what a great song! their first hit 'no tomorrow' is also very catchy

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