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Music taste.

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tiggerblue10 | 13:13 Thu 21st Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Is it true that you can tell a lot about a person by what type of music they like?


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No. There is literally no music style I could say I don't like 100%. I will listen to anything.

Unless that just says I'm not fussy of course.
No I agree with above, I like allsorts
My music tastes have changed dramatically over the years. I used to listen to almost exclusively reggae,now its hardcore dance music mixed with many other things including Garth Brooks,Mika,Coldplay,Chad Kroeger and dozens more..
You let yourself down with Garth Brooks there. Mind you I like the red strokes.
I have such an array of music it would be difficult to make a sound judgement on me lol.

I think your lovely post last night did give a bit of insight though tigger. Thanks for that, thoroughly enjoyed it.
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Hi all, it was my pleasure Jules. x

Some people think I'm weird because I love Radiohead. I love all sorts too including classical.
Hi Tigs

I know a guy who dislikes any music that's younger than he is.........................................and he's 60!

open to all heart..............ahhhhhhhhh
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Hi Bob, some people are like that though. I someone who doesn't like anything other than boy bands. Bit sad isn't it?!
You can tell a lot about people who like BOTH kinds of music....
Why would liking radiohead make you weird?? they have a massive fan base!, I love allsorts from slayer to kraftwerk to brendan shine to pucchini!!
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I don't know Cazzz. It was the person who only likes boy bands that thought that so I guess that says it all really! Lol
Well if we can tell a lot about musical tastes I don't know what they would make of me, cos I like,

Some opera, classical, reggae, blues, motown, nearly all the 60s, some country and western, hey if you like it you like it, never close your mind or your ears cos if you do you will go deaf or die of boredom.
..well said Ray..............BigMac...............I see Ray's a fan of BOTH kinds of music as well.........................10 points for anyone who knows where that comes from?
I know, I know, I know

[stands at back of class waving arm in air....]'re not allowed BigMac.................anybody else?
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Eh! Am I being thick here? I don't get it!
.er........sorry Tigs............I'm hijacking here :o(((
gotta go for lunch............explain later............. :o)
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tiggerblue10, just between you and me, no-one else will notice: tell Bob that you can play the theme to Rawhide and he'll give you the points.....
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I still don't get it BigMac. Am I thick or what?

Actually, don't answer that! Lol

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