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Ski Sunday

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batscott | 22:07 Sun 02nd Mar 2008 | Music
7 Answers
can anyone tell me the music which was used during the piece about the Alpine Journey visit to the Hannenkahm during the programme which was aired on 2 March 2008, Thanks


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yeah, im after this very same piece of music. ive heard it somewhere before in a film or show but cant remember from where.
it is John Murphy - In the house, in a heartbeat.

It is from the film 28 days later, you should be able to find it on i tunes etc
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thx for that max - got it immediately its as good as I thought it would be
ah, that wasnt the bit i was looking for, must have been in a different part of the show.
HI I think the piece of music might be from the film Crash. The title is Flames from the CD, Crash by Mark Isham. The piece on the show was towards the end of the track
ah yeah, think thats it. thanks. is that originally from Crash, or are there any other versions, do you know?
I only know it from the soundtrack cd. I think the film is on TV this weekend.
The music is by Mark Isham so he might have it on other CD;s he has made

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Ski Sunday

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