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Johnny Cash at Wembley 1986

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Sheann | 23:47 Sun 13th Apr 2008 | Music
2 Answers
Can anyone help? When Johnny Cash was at the Wembley Country Festival in 1986, his piano player, Earl Poole Ball (yes that really is his name!) played a brilliant solo, which I taped from the radio but have since lost. Does anyone know what it was called and if I can get a copy anywhere? This is probably a shot in the dark, but someone out there may know! Thanks in advance for any replies.


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Found this.
Johnny Cash with the Carter Family - International Festival of Country Music, Wembley Arena - 03.31.86

Disc 1/14 - Johnny Cash with the Carter Family - Piano Solo (E. Ball)

Sorry but i can't find a d/l site for it at the min and it's format is coming up as FM Cassette Master.
Maybe a poke around HMV or Virgins back catalogue.

Just did another search, just depends how bad you want it. -1986-DOCUMENTARY-ON-DVD_W0QQitemZ320239346185 QQihZ011QQcategoryZ617QQrdZ1QQssPageNameZWD2VQ QcmdZViewItem?_trksid=p1638.m122
Hope this helps.
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Thanks Colin, will look it up later.

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Johnny Cash at Wembley 1986

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