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Clutching at Straws!

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Headtime | 00:26 Tue 24th Aug 2004 | Music
3 Answers
I'm trying to find the artist and title for a house record from about 1993/1994. It started off with a sample of "Hey Leroy! Your Mama's callin' you man", and then went into a stabby kind of house record with a repeated vocal sample along the lines of "Rip Bip Pow, Rip Bip a Biddle Bip a Rip Bip Bow". I know it's a long shot but I've seen , crazier things happen on Answerbank! Many Thanks.


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It was called 'Hey Leroy' and was by an artist called Jimmy Castor (Big US soul hit in 1967). Various albums available on Amazon.
On Amazon you can listen to a sample...catchy little ditty!!
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Cheers Bat, but it just used Hey Leroy as a sample at the start. It was a house record from the 90'2. Thanks anyway. Anyone else?

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Clutching at Straws!

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