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I am the

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stevie1time | 01:14 Sun 27th Jul 2008 | Music
23 Answers
I am heres,you are heres,you are me and we are all together!!!!


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Aye!!!! Watchin Fistfull of Dollars....."My mule dont like people laughing"
The Rojos on one side, the Baxters on the other and me in the middle.
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Hey nono, are you the eggman? Or the walrus?

PS: Are you typing this under your bed?
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Class Tiggerblue!! aim for the heart!!!
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hey Tigger - here's a piggy in the middle! Awww.... gerpigsDM3011a_468x714.jpg
Ah yes, but see how they run like pigs from a gun
See how they fly .........
Aww that is so cute Icey xxx
I am the eggman.....whoops - no! That's for leggy to make puns out of!
The Americans on one side, Mexicans on the other and me in the middle! Again!
Are you really the eggman Ice, or are you just 'yolking'?
What a beautiful creature.
Lmao at Ice!! You're one cute-looking walrus lass!
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Can anyone put a link on for the final scene in for a few dollars more??
They scare me a bit tigger and chappie. I prefer seals, because they don't have those huge...what are they? Tusks???
I can't seem to connect to youtube at the moment Stevie. I'll try again in the morning.

I really must go to bed now peeps. Night everybody xxx
Night hun. xx

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