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What is the name of this song

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kdd | 10:37 Thu 09th Oct 2008 | Music
4 Answers
I am trying to find out the name of this song and who sings it.

One part of the song goes 'Rough-neck sound, my sound is a rough-neck, oh yea, yes my sound is a rough neck sound, my sound is a rough neck......................mix me down, come on and mix me down, mix me down, mix me down to the ground.......................' I think it is a drum and bass song or ragga.



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no it is not, i dont even think those lyrics are in the bubba sparx song.
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Does anyone know?

is it the .... Freestylers - Ruffneck

there was another track with similar lyrics, which had a awesome bassline, i have it, but cant place it at the moment, might have been on Heavyweight Breaks Vol 1

i will get back to you

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What is the name of this song

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