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for those on their own tonight

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legendis.god | 20:05 Wed 31st Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Enjoy tonight.
Dont look on it as being sad or lonely.
You make your own happiness.
Dont be dictated to by people who try to force their happiness on you.
Its usually artificial or imitated.

Be happy youre alive and see the new year

And remember call a friend , wish them the best, forget bout folk whod try to make you feel down.

Enjoy yourself.

leg x


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Too much!!!
very wise words, in a perfect world maybe
Thank you Legend. I will be alone but not lonely, I have been lonelier in company than I am on my own.
But I wish everyone a Happy New Year whatever your plans
That's deep but good :-)
Have a good one and happy new year to one and all! x
Ah that's nice Leg.

I always text people at midnight to wish them a Happy Nw Year, although they're usually trying to do the same, so can't get through!
Happy New Year to you all. -xx-
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im sure you will be fine

eash and bens mum and smudge

i have t say i see so many sad trapped people from allover the uk

here on holiday

dont for one minute imagine everyones havin fun

theyd love you to think that tho

ill drink a toast at midnight to everyone on cb alone

so toast to me and you wontbe alone

Thanks leg - this is a very hard NYE for me.
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Awww..S**t!!.....ya just made me start crying......
well all I can say is bring on the golf
You too Legend. Enjoy yourself, and to hell with bores. I shall do the same. :O)
Hello :o)

I'm on my own tonight, but it's my personal choice and I don't feel the slightest bit lonely. Now, should I continue with my Mario Galaxy game (the reason I've been AWOL for the last few days), watch a movie or log in here?
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Thanks max

you are mellowing.
Dak have a good one

i will drink to you all

ignore the trollllls

Thanks Leg long ago realised being with company isn't always as great as it sounds . Fine on me todd .
You too, Leg x
It is the quality of friends that counts...

not how many there good one is worth a kings ransom..(whatever that is in todays
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I do laugh quietly to myself , in the knowledge some that seem happy are far from it.

Wrong maybe, but they do try to force it on you.

Enjoy yourself tonight folks

raise a glass tonight at midnight

and say

heres tae us whas like us?
Great stuff from the philosophical saddo. His experience of life is touching up blow up dolls, even then he faces rejection.

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for those on their own tonight

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