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thebigchill | 12:07 Fri 23rd Jan 2009 | Music
4 Answers
Anyone know of any websites i can upload songs to, to see if anyone recognises them? I just found an old cd i made without the song information on it, doing my head in!


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if you get really stuck you can call Shazam on 2580. Hold the phone up with the music turned on. It will cut off when it has heard enough and text the name of the song and artist back to you (if it knows). I've used this many a time out clubbing and it rarely fails. It's more likely to fail because of other background noise than not knowing the song.
I think it's about 80p a go.
If you know anybody with a good sony ericsson phone they have a 'Track ID' function which also recognises pretty much any song but is free.
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Thanks for the help people - i managed to remember the names and artists of the songs in question, but i'll keep your suggestions in mind for the next time!

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