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Female Guitarists

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Whoa Nelly | 21:52 Sun 01st Mar 2009 | Music
7 Answers
When lists appear for guitarists/bassist etc it is dominated by blokes (Hendrix, Page, Clapton etc). Any suggestions for ladies that are due a mention?


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Joan Armatrading and Suzi Quatro?
Bonnie Rait
It is a male dominated genre at the moment

Thts not to say there arent some good female guitarists
Well, Deirde Cartwright springs to mind, Gail Anne Dorsey has played bass splendidly with Bowie for many years, Nancy Wison (Heart) can play a bit....(see 'Crazy' on YouTube), saw Girlschool live in 1985, they could all play, agreed about Bonnie Rait, saw her live about 12 years ago, good slide player......tum tee tum tee tum.....sorry, that's it!
Sheryl Crow

Chrissie Hynde

Joan Biez (excuse spelling

Pattie Scialfa

Joan Jett

Suzzanna Hoffs

David Bowie has always used a female bass player, not sure of her name but she is class.

Wendy and Lisa played with Prince.

The main session band for Motown had a female bass player.

the white stripes

Bonnie Rait (one serious housewife)

Ricky lee Jones

The dixie chicks

Avril Levine

Jonie Mitchell.

The list goes on
(The late) Kelly Johnson, from Girlschool.

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Female Guitarists

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