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REM UK No1 Albums

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Spike1972 | 16:07 Wed 27th Oct 2004 | Music
8 Answers
How many UK No1 Albums have R.E.M. had?


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i think
Out Of Time
Automatic for the people
Up and the new one

But i may be wrong

Out of time - March '91

Automatic for the people - Oct '92

Monster - Oct '94

New Adventures in hi-fi - Sep '96

Reveal - May '01

In time (the best of 1998 - 2003) - Nov '03

Around the sun - Oct '04


So six then.

Here's their other UK albums and highest chart position:


Reckoning - 91 - Apr '84

Fables of the reconstruction - 35 - Jun '85

Life's rich pagent - 43 - Sep '86

Dead letter office - 60 - May '87

Document - 28 - Sep '87

Eponymous - 69 - Oct '88

Green - 27 - Nov '88

The best of R.E.M. - 7 - Oct '91

Up - 2 - Nov '98

whats your favourite?

Should've said seven in my first post.

My favourite is probably 'Automatic for the people' it brings back memories of 'getting it on' with girls in my room as a teenager.

Not a useful answer but I can't help myself:   Too many!
REM rule.
did you know that Stipe and Kurt Cobain were going to work on an album together before he shot himself?

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REM UK No1 Albums

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