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What was the most

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NoMercy | 00:23 Mon 20th Apr 2009 | ChatterBank
35 Answers
insulting thing anyone has ever said about you or to you? Or the biggest compliment anyone has ever paid you?


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that you are a tart??????


was that it?
have you finihed already?
where's my parcel.

insult, btw
dot called me a cobbler once lol
so i fixed it for her ;-)

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LOL noknow !

I once put on a stone on holiday and someone who knew me asked when my baby was due !
A fat tart then..........................

your no longer my sister,by my sister,lasted a day.good job by my boss.
postdog it could have been worse

could have said "I was expecting you to give me a bigger package than that"
a stone in a week? or was it 2?
my sis
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It was two weeks all inclusive in St. Lucia. Have you seen what the Americans eat for breakfast??? OMG !
one of the biggest compliments someone has ever paid me would be my friend a short while ago, she was having a special birthday party and sadly i couldnt make it but i sent her card,pressie etc and an email and a message on about 3 different places on the internet,phoned her and she told me that everywhere she turned on her birthday i was there making it special for her.just made me feel good that i couldnt spend it with her but i was still there in spirit lol
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My insanely jealous stalker is back ! She must have flipped a coin and decided to post as kjc tonight.
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Ahh that's lovely, dusty ! You sound like you deserved the compliment.
on the compliments side someone once said to me

" i don't hate you as much as i thought i would"
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What a compliment noknow ! I made my dad a Cottage Pie the other day and he said, "Not bad, not bad!" That, coming from my dad, was a compliment indeed. lol
when my sis said your not my sister anymore,lasted 4 one day.good thing job well done,i think this is spur of the moment stuff
a very successful business man would call me and ask for my advice on all sorts of matters, because he "valued my opinion".

but he never offered me a job!

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