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Winwood was someone who, when I first listened to him in the 80's, never really turned me on. I was about 19, and he brought out the album 'Back in the High Life'. It was the first I knew of him, and I quite liked the 'Higher Love' track which was in the charts (that's why I bought the album). However, I thought the rest of the album was drivel, so after about a dozen listens, it was retired to the back of the cupboard and never played again. Over the years however I started to find out that he had a history long before that album, but still never really made any effort to find out what he was like. Last night's concert now makes me realise I may have been missing out on something.
Clapton, has also in some way not been at the top of my list. But over recent years I have seen a few documentaries on him and his music, and now realise the guy is some kind of guitar god.
Don't you love that though? Having an epiphany about someone or something you always thought was nothing special?