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willy the wizard

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joggerjayne | 19:39 Mon 22nd Jun 2009 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

did not "copy" any elements from

Willy the Wizard and the Livid Land (published 10 yrs earlier)

Willy the Wizard is about

a wizard schoolboy

who travels to wizard school on a special train

and takes part in a wizard contest

in which he has to perform a series of challenging tasks

but is assisted by the ghost of a young girl

who lives in the bathroom

So ... totally different. No plagiarism there.


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Glad you've got that dillema out of your system.
Question Author
Anything to do with Guinness clears my system !!!
''copy from one, it's plagiarism; copy from two, it's research''...
10 years earlier huh,but had harry potter came out 10 years later nobody might've been interested,suppose it was just the right place at the right time for these films.
same sh1t different writer

its alll a load of warlocks
Question Author
So JK Rowlings' earlier "research" into the series of books by Nancy Stouffer

featuring a character called "Larry Potter"

in which non wizarding humans were called "muggles"

probably makes it all okay, snags.


Probably JJ... the truth is, no one really gives a sh1t...
Are you ******* serious jj??? cos then that would be blatantly pirating!
Question Author
Paddy ...

What an odd proposition.

You have an idea ...

I wait until the time is right, and then nick it.

And ... I guess that's okay then.
-- answer removed --
Is anything really truly original anymore?
nothing is original in life and its all been done before.
Question Author
Paddy ... of course I'm serious.

But ... would any American Judge DARE to find against JK Rowling?

No, because she is very, very wealthy ...

... and so, above the Law (in the US, at least).
jayne thats bollox

didnt the supreme court rule against microsoft?
and fine them liek a gazillion dollars?

jk whoarling isnt anywhere near as big

i think you may be

totallly bonkers
How would you know when the time is right and how would you know you would'nt get sued???

I never said its alright DID I? Are you on the rag,or was someone in your family that wrote what sounds like a cr@p book???
With one possible exception, all of Shakespeare's plays were a retelling of existing tales.

So JKR is in good company.
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Leggy ...

Microsoft got a "footballer's Fine"

ie. they received a huge fine, equivalent to about 30 seconds earnings.

I think Bill Gates paid it out of Petty Cash.

And what was their "offence" ...

Bundling their web browser in with their base software

(and so creating an artificial market ... a classic antitrust case)

And do they STILL bundle their web browser in with their base software?

Yes !
jayne irrespective of the fine

i have proven that im right and you are wrong.

the american courts would indeed go against jk rowling if they thought it was the correct thing to do

like bill gates .

are you seriously saying jk rowly has anywhere near his money or muscle or his lawyers?

surely you jest littlle woman.

tsk tsk


Computer ****** Bill Gates has been toppled from his 13-year standing as the world's richest man.
The founder of Microsoft has been pushed into third place on the Forbes rich list, despite a fortune of �29billion and a �1billion increase in his wealth last year.

Harry Potter author JK Rowling is Britain's only woman on the list, coming in 1,062nd with $1billion (�504million).





microsoft are so rich they were fined $2.4 billion dollars

thats 2.4 times the worth of jk rowling

if youre in their sights then noone gets away without paying


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