Watched the soaps, that bloody Molly's a tart aint she?
Sally getting on her soap box in'all
Well it's better than Trolls on Tour isn't it??? lol
I think this G Gnome thingy calls for a party, with streamers and music in my villa in sunny Cyprus
Name the day where we can go mad, tell risque jokes, play good music
and have BLOODY FUN!!!!
I would like to come in here with the owld crowd, y'know, you, craft, BOO, ummm DEN, vibra, slinky, BM, Mrs c and mrs O, sqadds, NoKn
whats happened, are they deserting the ship, I hope not!
I got fed up of trying to post and watching that blue thingy going round and round. Drove me bonkers at times. Mind you, some of it might be due to my ISP - I often can't connect to other websites either. Bloomin' nuisance it is.
I've also been busy with doctor's appointments, hospital visits and general "real life". You know how it is. I like to look in whenever I can, though. I see you have a hectic social life - you like to partaaaaaaay!!!!!
Good for you lass. I hope that rascal noknowledge hasn't been giving you too much grief. Take him with a pinch of salt Joy - he's only pulling yer leg, the bu88er. xxx