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Bad things.....

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ummmm | 12:09 Wed 12th May 2010 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
We were talking last night about the bad things that happen in life. I

I was burgled while we slept....and he stood at the end of my bed for ages (I know this as he lit a candle)

I was attacked on the way home from the my own house.. (my fault)

I got hit by a car at a pedestrian crossing...

My friends BF kicked my front door in....(the policeman who came to take a statement listened to the 999 call first and laughed at me!!)

I'm sure there's more.......


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I broke my ankle 3 weeks ago ... not much fun ....
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I bet it's not....

I've broke all my fingers on my left hand....and also the hand itself. All on separate occasions...
i have an evil evil pyscho cat
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I have an evil boyfriend.....the kids are not that nice either...!!
I had my nose broken 4 times. Once by a heroin addict who hit me with a flag pole, twice by my ex wife, and once by a wall
I ran out of Sauv Blanc last night. :-(
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Now that is bad NoM....!!!!
Tell me about it.... I was inconsolable...
Bodily injuries: 15 stitches in arm (fell through glass door), 4 stitches in ankle (whilst in bandage from the previous injury I fell onto a spiked railing) - that was whilst at college in the early 80's.

In the last 3 years I have: broken a toe, have 2 tramline scars were I fell of a kerb, 2nd degree burns on upper arm, nearly put eye out falling off a table singing Frank Sinata, broken 2 bones in wrist, broken bone in foot, severe finger burn when the skin stuck to a saucepan. Oh, and I fell in & got stuck in my brother's bath on xmas eve.

That's not to mention the injuries inflicted by ex-hubby when going through his alcoholic-psychotic stage or my minor sailing injuries. Oh, and 3 operations...

But I'm still smiling. I love my scars, cos each tell a story - of survival !!
I count my blessings rather than dwell on the bad luck.
Why not turn to the emergency booze and crck open the cheap bottle of Cinzano thats been sat at the back of your cupboard?
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I know I shouldn't laugh Salla....
That's just a few that spring to mind immediately, there have been more. But each one (apart from the ex-hub's) have always had a funny story attached or brought a smile to faces (including mine - once the pain has worn off....) - so, hey, it's my contribution towards a jollier society... ;-)
i had my head kicked in by a steel toe cap boot
Oh, and the car accidents. Especially the one where the car got wedged upside-down in a ditch and I was hanging upside down, trapped in my seatbelt, like a bat. It was quite amusing until I realised there was water in the ditch.

But that was divine retribution or something - I was up to naughty things that night.... shouldn't have been down that isolated country lane in the first place.... ;-)
salla, you remind me of Lee Majors in the ' Six million dollar Man' Film.
We can rebuild him (or Her in your case) Ha Ha
As well as counting my blessings (!), I can count my scars. And my wonky toe and wrist.... But, at least I kept my eye and my sanity.... ;-)
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Not pleasant xxzzee....... xx
Cinzano... I've never purchased nor tasted that sh!te in my life. How very dare you.
Conzano's rubbish - yuck.
I'd rather have Clan Dew or Dubonnet.

NoM - your poor thing, you have my sympathy and empathy :-(
no it wasnt ummmm a very unpleasant ex but it was a long time ago worse than what happened to me though is my 6 month old daughter was in my arms at the time but shes a 13 yeare old now we both survived x

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