Hi Judge nutmeg, hope you're well. Even tho I'm a Scot I LOVE that song, I mean whats not to love, New Order and John Barnes! I saw Bad Lieutenant a few weeks ago and they were really good, wee Barneys still got it :P
Hi there Jayne I read your thread re Laaarrrndaaarn so hope you are enjoying your Bloody Mary. I go to Laaarnndaaarn quite a lot and am getting used to the hustle and bustle.
Nowt wrong with Laaarnndaaarn... I'm almost directly under the Post Office tower as I write this... it's warm and sunny and there's even trees and grass too ;-p
I was in Noooocasssell yesterday and it was roasting but it's been overcast here the last couple of days :(. Love that Nirvana track, God it's been 16 years now since he died! Cant believe that was so long ago.