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a-ga-do, kids mini disco music

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mollykins | 15:43 Sat 12th Jun 2010 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I can't seem to spell it right in the slightest, meaning spotify and google don't know what I'm on about.

Whats the correct spelling of the song a ga do that's sung by a man and goes 'a ga do do do push my (apple something?) to the left to the right jump up and down and do the knees . . . ' ????????????


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Question Author
aaahhhh, that must be the only variation that I hadn't tried thanks.
push pineapple shake the tree
Is this one of them there African things that was performed at the ceremonies?
Question Author
oh yeah pineapples.
Can you play it on the glock Molly?
Question Author
If i had the notes to it I probably could but some of it gets quite fast.
It's one that always comes out at weddings, stewey, you have to do the actions as well - along the lines of he Birdie Song, do you know that one?!
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I facy putting cheesey music onto my spotify list and used to love dancing to this at mini discos.
No, BT. But I do remember that stupid Macademia.
everybody up!
I still think it was nuts:)
Saturday Night - Whigfield!
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yep, is there any other cheesey music I might like? Its ahrd to remember everything.
Hands up anyone wh's done this one!
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I got the conga, court of king caractacus, superman, 500 miles, time warp, wig wam bam, in the navy, ymca.
Birdie song
Hi Ho Silver Lining
Time Warp is always a good one
Question Author
and the birder song

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a-ga-do, kids mini disco music

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