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jennifersaun | 15:37 Thu 03rd Feb 2005 | Music
5 Answers

I heard a song yesterday and i realllllllly want to know what it is, but i don't have a lot of clues.

it sounds like something the streets might do, but the singer sounded black.

he keeps saying something about being 'on radio one' at the end of the chorus.

any ideas???



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The Mitchell Brothers sound like the Streets and have a new song out featuring Kano, will go find the name......

It's called Routine Search, I'm going to see them at the end of this month (if it's the right peep's!).


The link above has the music video for the song I think you might be thinking of.

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Thank you, but it's not the one, it had a much smoother flow, a bit roots manuva-ish maybe? i dunno, i can see this is gonna drive me potty!
Kano has a song out separatly, if you try googling him you might get something.  They're all signed to the Streets label, The Beats.
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No, still no luck, anyone got any ideas?

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