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Music Just Jeans Ad

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chani | 13:00 Wed 01st May 2002 | Music
2 Answers
What is the music in the Australian Just Jeans ad for engineered jeans?


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A bit hard to answer, living in the UK and never having seen the ads (or even heard of Just Jeans) but the Internet tells me that the following music has been used in various Just Jeans campaigns - hope one of them is the one you are after: Extract from Symphony No9, "From the New World", by Antonin Dvorak... "It's Raining" by Irma Thomas... "I Wanna Be A Cowboy" by Boys Don't Cry... "(I Pull My Old Blue) Jeans On" by David Dundas.

Native American indian song used on Deadwood TV soundtrack called "Creek Lullaby" by Margaret

It has been re-recorded specially for the ad by Coco Rosie.

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Music Just Jeans Ad

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