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I am starting to question my sanity?

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Bobbisox | 11:01 Sun 22nd Aug 2010 | ChatterBank
43 Answers
after a great day out with our mates, we come back to switch on the X Factor!!!!
did that dark girl really think she had talent...arrrgh," I am a single Mum, there's my baby over there" cue left of stage where a an irritating Dermot wottsit was holding her kid!
she squawked out something resembling Mercy by Duffy whilst writhing around the floor and forgetting the words so we were subjected to her repeating Mercy for what seemed like forever
and Yes! I put the mute button on...


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I didn't watch it at all, bobbi - I will question my sanity when I even think about doing so. I would rather watch paint dry.
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Hi boxy, the thing is there isn't much of anything on saturday nights tele worth watching anymore...a bit of nostalgia creeping in here...when Tele was
I am with you boxtops...NEVER X factor. got to dance, bgt big bro or any or the other carp either.
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I don't watch BB or the others you have mentioned woof either :o)
Bobbi, I saw it. I don't think there's any need to insult someone for their choice of tv watching.

and yes, that woman was a fruitcake ;o)
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was that me you meant sara pet, I wasn't insulting anyone each to their own I say :-0)
no Bobbi, it wasn't you!
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:-o) x sara
I love it and the rotten ones make it even more watchable for me :)

One girl last night who sang 'Creep' will make it to the finals -she was really very good.

I thought S & G were hilarious -how could you not laugh at G lol.
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Yes...she was a fruitcake....but also entertaining in a weird way.
I have no problem watching X-Factor....there ARE some real gems who appear on it.

Like this little treasure....
Dris, I thought G was very supportive, through his tears.. bless him, lol!
I'm not insulting anyone sara, and I don't think bobbi saw it that way - I personally can't abide all this sort of compeitition/show biz shows, they are - to me - a waste of space. I know other people love 'em, I'm not saying they're wrong, there are other people who are bored stiff by some of the stuff I go out of my way to watch. We are all different!
.. and PS no offence intended, I apologise to anyone else who might have read it that way.
I don't watch much television, but I think the early rounds of this show are hilarious. How can anyone not find it funny - and why on earth don't their mothers tell them not to do it?!!
I did as well sara Bless his cotton socks.I was laughing when he was getting the audience to support her thereby drawing the attention away from her unintentionally.I loved him :)
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the Madonna look alike was good in a weird sort of way I thought, naomi you are right , the earlies are the most entertaining
O Pasta -I forgot to mention her -she was brilliant very unique voice :) x
I thought she could be really good bobbi. Shame Simon talked her out of doing what she wanted to do in the first place. That must have really unnerved her.
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Yankee I didn't see her but she reminds of Millie of My Boy Lollipop fame in the

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