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Noise from next door

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sherrardk | 19:55 Sat 30th Oct 2010 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
At what time would it be reasonable to go round to the house next door and ask them to turn their music down? They know we have small children (as do they) and the music is just thumping through the wall. (OK - I am in an evil mood anyway so probably not being very reasonable tonight.) Thanks


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Any time it's too loud is a good time ...
Thump their wall back-I would !!
Now would be good, certainly by 10pm. I think 11pm is the time you can report to Noise Abatement, but I could be wrong about that.
it depends.. is it a one off? someone's birthday?

do you usually get on with them?
Ho Sherrard, how are feeling? I take it you're all better.
Make loud noises of your own. That'll teach them...
do what i did, ask em to turn it down if they dont next time go in and cut the wires to the hi-fi i did!!!
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Hi all - they are generally very quiet (never even hear a peep out of their kids). However, their kids seem to still be up (the oldest is only 4) but I don't think they are having a party - there is only one extra car parked outside.
That might get YOU into trouble though bernie, criminal damage and wot not?
could they be having an early Haloween party?
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Hi Society - I am much better thanks. Don't think the noise would be so bad if it was constant - but it's on and off so it seems more noticeable.

Hi Boxtops - won't be going around, they are both quite big and I am quite little!
I'd knock and say "what time will this be finished, as the kids can't sleep?"

I tried that with my neighbours and they were rude as bloody hell.. but they're scrags!
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When 11pm comes around Sher, phone the police!.....shouldn't be happening after then!.................
hahahahaha Butch !!!!

Neighbours dont normally take kindly to a chap at the door -reciprocal is usually the best way to get your message across (ive found anyway)
Send your kids round to neighbours' - let the kids ask if they are having a party because of the loud noise, and invite themselves.
if they are normally very quiet, maybe they are having a party for one of the children, and although you are not best pleased imo its not that late,
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My lovelies are all asleep apart from the eldest who has 20 minutes more and then it's lights out. I will be encouraging them to be as loud as they like on the morning (hope next door have got mega hangovers).
LOL Sharrard, Vengeance is mines you say, that's a very good payback. :-)
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Might not be pay-back enough - it has turned into some sort of sing-along now.
Sounds like a drunk mob

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