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My Songs

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AdidasDublin | 01:50 Fri 05th Nov 2010 | Music
5 Answers
Hi....i'm a songwriter and i have some great songs (yeah yeah you say, heard that before)... well i have... have a look at the Snug on YouTube TheSnugSongwriters

Now my question is how could i go about getting someone to record and publish one of my songs or a song of a friend? Is there an agency that will put established artists that cant write songs in touch with my songs (without stealing them) ?

By the way, all the song on The Snug are copyrighted - just wondering how to get someone to record one or some of them


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Have you tried an agent

these yolks had an agent...bless them :-)
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Your best bet afaic is to get yourself signed in to the PRS. Then sign to a digital distribution company like Routenote, who will put your music up on all the major sites (itunes, last fm, amazon etc.)
...then go on a huge advertising campaign and get a website.
Haven't listened, but if if you think you're any good, get yourself an agent. Try 'Writers and Artists Yearbook' - it has one or two listings of music publishers and agents.

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