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B00 | 10:57 Tue 21st Dec 2010 | Music
32 Answers
All you knockers, who said she couldn't sing a note, yada yada yada...


(scroll down for videos)

And ok, the songs are a bit rubbish, and some of the notes are a bit iffy, but proving once again (as she did on Pop Stars- The Rivals) she CAN sing.

Good on ya lass :-)


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Mate, Mariah Carey can sing... It doesn't mean that it makes the noise coming out of her mouth worth listening to! ;oP
I always thought she could sing as I remember her going through the auditions...

Do people really expect people to sing live and do dance routines like she does?
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Can't stand Mariah. All that warbling, highly irritating!

But that's what I'm getting at CD. Those particular songs are rubbish (IMO anyway) but it does prove that she can sing, ok, as you said, she's no Mariah, but for that im grateful!
Can't stand Mariahs voice.
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Cheers ummmmm.

I like Cheryl, and it really irritated me that folk were quick to rubish her performances on XFactor, when the key word was that she was "performing". Like you said, doing the dance routines she did on them AND singing would have been nigh on impossible- right?
I was just making the point that even someone like Mariah who's got a better voice (technically) isn't worth listening to which I personally think applies to Cheryl as well. Personally I can't stand the 'music' that this woman makes but each to their own... I pesonally just wish that her (and Mariah, and Whitney, and Celine Dione etc) would just shut the **** up! But then I'm charming like that ;0)
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Hehe, now i like Celine too (sorry!)

But yes, lets have a world wide ban on Mariah, and any playing of Whitney when she was in her prime.

I think we can agree that Cheryl's not everyones cup of tea (though I did like her first 2 singles) but I don't think we/they can say anymore that she can't sing for toffee- right?
when mariah started out I thought she had a cracking voice, I think later, she was heavily influenced into the warbling and wailing she does now, its a shame
"and some of the notes are a bit iffy"??

Geordie bias rears its head, would you be so supportive if she came from "down south"

You want a singer listen to Adele.
Erm... I guess I can agree on 'she's not a very talented singer'.... Will that do? I'm afraid I think she's a bit of a tit so I think it's as nice as I'm going to get about her. (In fairness, I only really like Simon Cowell whenever I do watch those programns so it's not just her I think is a tit).
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Irritating innit cazzz?

I'm always under the impression when she (Mariah) opens her gob to sing she's thinking "right, we all know i can sing every note perfectly, and to prove it, im gonna put every one of them in as many times as possible in a song- whether the'yre needed or not"
The voice doesn't have to be the best, it's the song...

I mean, look at Shane MacGowan.
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davethedog- really got it in for me lately haven't you?

For one, im not Geordie! I'm a Lancashire gal.

And as for Adele, i totally agree, a brilliant singer, but i fail to see what that has to do with my point here?
it is irritating because I liked a lot of her earlier stuff, then I think as well as the extra notes, her ego grew :S
True ummmm... Bob Dylan is the same. However, Bob and Shane do benefit from being actual musicians and also rather poetic in their lyrics... Kind of knocks the socks of 'allo wetta wetta wetta, allo wetta wetta way'...
lol..yeah I suppose. I was going to mention Dylan...and Cat Stevens.
Boo - I'm sorry , I don't mean to be having a go, I always find the written word a bit impersonal. Though I confess I did think you were a bit mean over your workmates

I wrote the Cheryl thing with a twinkle in my eye not to be offensive, so I apologise for:

For being unnecessarily lippy and calling you a Geordie.

Lifes to short and i shall try to be a little more light hearted in future.

Merry Christmas

Dunno much about Cat Stevens.... Will take your word for it.

My real beef isn't really with Cheryl so much, true I'm not keen on her but I think my problem is I'm essentially a bit of a snob and I don't class anything she does as 'music'... I get annoyed at all these prancing posers that can sing a couple of notes getting in the charts and then people that actually sing or play an instrument and write their own music and put hard graft in get no where. But I don't think that's Cheryl's or even the X-Factors fault, I think it's the fault of the general public... The public gets what the public wants and apparently the public wants dross in the charts.

Ahem... Rant over... Sorry boobies!
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Ahhh no worries dave, no harm done, ive a hide like a rhino's (well i am from Lancs!) so no offence taken, and a merry christmas to you too :-)

Yeah we all know you're a music snob CD ;-) Me personally, i've always thought the pop charts was meant for light hearted, bubble gum, throw away songs, and I like em for that. If you want something more highbrow listen to alternative stuff :P

And yes, im also a sucker for the X Factor, slick performance alongside happy clappy cheesy songs routines.
I do like a bit of Beyonce though :c)

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