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Which group was once called the bang

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puzzleking123 | 08:22 Tue 08th Mar 2011 | Music
9 Answers
Which group was once called the bang. Thanks


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well, as you have already thanked people for their replies, I googled the answer, and assuming that this is not a trick question, according to wiki it is the South African Indie Pop Band Cold War Candy Drop.'

yet somehow I don't think that is the answer you are looking for. Is this a musical group?
Even though you have been very rude in my opinion in ignoring almost all my answers and requests for clarification regarding your questions, and in failing to acknowledge the key multiple errors in many of your questions which caused a lot of people to waste a lot of time, I will tell you the answer here.
It was The Bangles.
Now will you follow up on some of my other postings on your threads?
Did you know you've been elevated to the dizzy heights of having your very own thread in CB?
I;ve told you before factor,don't hold your breath waiting for a reply.!
... But I'm so helpful. I'm even including a link here to support my answer.
Surely even though he's such a busy person puzzleking123 will acknowledge the answer and tell us we can all stop looking for the answer now. I have such faith in human nature.
Puzzleking - where are you?
Ah, well. I think it's time I stopped trying to help puzzleking123
Question Author
Thank you I should of guessed it was the Bangles. Many thanks

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Which group was once called the bang

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