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FAO Mrs Chappie

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Mamyalynne | 03:40 Sun 13th Mar 2011 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
My Bill was charm personified, he swept me off my feet, our marriage was arranged within 6 weeks of our meeting. He was strong and extremely romantic and very protective of me, we had two daughters who he doted on, they have produced four grandchildren, he met three of those and they too adored him.
He had a voice like dark chocolate was a wonderful vocalist and guitarist too. Worked with cars most of his life till illness took hold and was a perfectionist in all he did.
If he was reading this he would ask me to delete it, because he was also modest, but I held him to be the best thing that ever happened to me, thank you for asking, hope I have not bored you.

Mamya ♥


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Bless you for sharing that, mammy. x

You were very lucky to find him, and he you. I think it is a lovely tribute to him, but if you want it removing, I will get it taken off for you.
That's lovely Mamy xx
Question Author
No I do not want it removing at all, I am proud as heck about my love for him and am not ashamed to say he was a wonderful lover too, at two and a half years into widowhood I can now make light hearted and saucy comments, but in truth still hurting a bit too much to do anything more.
Never think me sad, rather have what I call wistful moments and a back catalogue of beautiful memories. Plus of course plenty of pals on here.♥
Was he taken suddenly, mammy? He was quite young at 64, wasn't he.
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Vibes ..... your moo?
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Bowel cancer which seemed to have been removed successfully, then followed by metastases to the brain, which was terminal, nursed him at home. His wish was to die here and he did.
So very sorry mammy. x
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Is Moo your pet name for your daughter? I am sure you will cope, though it must be so hard at the moment as she rails at the world for what has happened.
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Oh MrsC don't, I have had joy, not everyone has.
So sorry Vibes. Do you mean that she passed away?
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Yes I read about the death of Moo's Mum and can place myself there too, when my father died i was 27 but I adored him so completely I went into a very steep decline. It is early days for Moo and yourself but time does help (No I did not believe it either)keep the faith and lines of communication open.You seem very caring she is lucky to have you.♥
That's true mammy, but I think it is sad that you have lost such a wonderful husband, and you are now alone at quite a young age. I don't want to say anything that will sound insulting, mammy. Hope you know that.
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Nothing you have said could be construed as insulting MrsC, I thank you for asking really, better to be open.
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Mammy, I was only 9 when my dad died and I can't remember much about him. I guess you could say he deserted us - he left our mam with seven children.

I'm sad to hear about Vibes' missus, she must have been very young too.
I sincerely hope so, Vibes.
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Oh MrsC that is sad, yes I agree that Vibes will cope well in the long run, just keep the lines of communication open at all times.

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