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what's this song???

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crisgal | 11:47 Tue 15th Mar 2011 | Music
23 Answers
i have a part of a song going 'round me head and it's driving me mental!
It's a bit like Harper valley PTA, in that it tells a story of something - I think - two young people a prom,and is from around the same time.
Any way, they throw something off the _________bridge possible something like, hellatatchi? I think it's the ballad of someone - Billy jo? Billy rae?
It's very annoying as I really only have the tune and the odd word!
help me pleeeeeeease!


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he flung his guitar & she retrieved it so he jumped off the bridge.....sillies :)
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they were probably playing pooh sticks and he leaned over too far - p1ssed up on alcopops!
Hi I think they just threw a ring off the bridge if you listen to the words of the song it's quite cleverly written about a family eating around the table discussing a local happening
if the girl had been pregnant I think this family would have known about it

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