Crosswords37 mins ago
Note these great musical questions and answers
By Andy Hughes
'WHY do we never get an answer, when we're knocking at the door, with a thousand million questions�...' sang someone in a song, and now someone will post a question here asking whom it was.
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That is exactly what the Answerbank is all about, finding those answers to the questions that are bugging you.
Here are some of the most interesting answers to recent questions:
Ollie is sure that legendary Pink Floyd founder Syd Barrett is still living with his mum in deepest Cambridge, read the full answers here.
Bazzer provided some sound advice for ATOB2 who is looking for a painless introduction to the world of opera. See the answer here.
Occasionally someone finds a question that strikes a 'Do you know, I've always wondered that as well!' chord in all of us. Thank you gee.dee who queried the colours of the Guinness Book Of Hit Singles books published annually. Click here to read the full answer and to find out what the as yet unpublished 2001 edition will look like.
Thanks also del104d who enquired about progressive rock stalwarts Grobschnitt. If you want to find out what happened to them click here.
Some people are looking for a broad definition of a musical style that everyone else except them thinks too obvious to even mention. Thanks then to albionboy for a succinct explanation of the oft-heard term 'jungle' music, please� click here to be enlightened.
Step forward Tubby with a poser concerning black and white footage of a German boy/girl duo who sang a song called Hound Of The Baskervilles to the tune of Black Sabbath's Paranoid. If anyone can tell Tubby who they are, click here and put�them�out of�their misery.
Keep the questions and answers coming.