Film, Media & TV8 mins ago
Questions of musical note
By Andy Hughes
Another crop of curious questions to keep us on our toes here at The Answerbank, highlights include:
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emmalh7 who is a fan of Buffy The Vampire Slayer�is curious to know where the music to season�five might be acquired. If you know the answer, please advise us here.
Martyn4764 found an intriguing lyric question, one of those phrases that was bugging him, until he found the answer here.
Apparently someone somewhere adopted the name of the famous author DH Lawrence and made some records with it.� Maybe you know who it is If you do, then DawnT would be a happy lady indeed if you would be so kind as to click here and share your information with her.
Perhaps you've been to a club, or even a wedding or party recently, and watched the DJ putting the night's entertainment together. What do they listen to through those headphones Are they actually talking to someone on that telephone handset How do they do it All is revealed here.
Homer heard a rumour that Mozart was stepping out with a blind musician, and there might be a dubious East End connection Curious Find out more here.
Canyons and windmills�- are they all in your mind Click here to find out.
Spiffo is the person who knows a bit about bands touring when perhaps not the genuine article any more�- click here to read what Spiff had to tell us.
And the list goes on, which is what we love here at The Answerbank. Think of a question, and run it by us, it's as simple as that. A world of knowledge is just a click away, and it's free! What more could you ask for �To post more music questions click here.