ChatterBank5 mins ago
Welcome To The AnswerBank News, the home of the latest news headlines and topical debate on The AnswerBank. Discuss UK and worldwide news here.If you'd like to discuss politics that doesn't relate to a specific story or event, head over to our Politics section OR Current Affairs.
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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ...
https:/ / /news/v ideos/c 0q1nevl 2wqo ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/uk/1 999839/ UK-wors t-town- place-t o-live Remember the signs in train loos "Do not flush whilst in a station"? - well some wag had written "Except at Aldershot"... ...
https:/ /news.s story/a pple-ai -featur e-must- be-revo ked-ove r-notif ication s-misle ading-u sers-sa y-journ alists- 1328871 6 The lawyers must be having kittens, how long before the libel suits fly? AI... ...
Phillipson tried to pull plug on new free speech law days after election. Labour the Party that just keeps giving, or in this case taking. Hit esc whilst loading (An excerpt is given... ...
If you are what might be described as a 'politically right-leaning member of the UK electorate' and if you like a drink, then pour yourself one (they already have started), and... ...
https:/ /news.s story/p olitics -latest -starme r-tory- leaders hip-jen rick-ba denoch- labour- budget- tax-ris es-1259 3360 So we'll invite our muslim friends to a UK investment summit but we'll leave out... ...
https:/ / /news/a rticles /c624em 4d1r1o Can't have common sense can we, boot them out! ...
https:/ / /news/a rticles /cq6rdd p3zl2o If the PM is upsetting these swivel eyed loonies he's doing something right. ...
https:/ / ews/art icles/c p81rmmg r56o ...
https:/ /today. lorient lejour. com/art icle/14 10458/m ass-gra ves-dis covered -in-nor thern-g aza-al- shifa-h ospital .htmlr /> Another mass grave has been found in gaza, this time at the al shifa hosptial which... ...
As Minister for swimmingration given the reports of a seal seen in the River Nene, 45 miles from the coast. Forget the boats, invest in a pair of good... ...
Brings a whole new meaning to "McCain Chips" 😀 https:/ / .com/mc cain-fo ods-fin ed-700- 000-123 637369. html?.t src=fp_ deeplin k ...
How awful, and we are actually watching this terrific series again having seen them when they were first... ...
https:/ /news.s story/e scape-a rtist-t ortoise -reunit ed-with -owner- after-t hree-ye ars-on- the-run -129915 69 ...
Tory MPs are seeking Re-election in different seats to the one they now represent. Internal Tory critics have accused MPs of abandoning their seats in search of safer Tory seats, where they think... ...
John Culshaw....."Oh dear just a crass punishingly depressing act...why do that? what sort of empty soul does that?..." - absolutely perfectly put John.
https:/ / /news/w orld-eu rope-66 860266 ...
If it's not Albanians, it's Floridians...
https:/ /news.s story/m an-arre sted-af ter-try ing-to- run-fro m-flori da-to-l ondon-i n-a-mak eshift- hamster -wheel- 1295613 0...
https:/ /news.s story/a ir-traf fic-con trol-st rikes-c ould-pu t-up-to -a-thir d-of-su mmer-fl ights-i n-europ e-at-ri sk-1291 6527...