Crosswords1 min ago
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To enhance the quality of our discussions, please ensure your question titles and openings in the News category are clear and specific and do not contain abbreviations or nicknames. This helps... ...
What will it mean if he doesn't get it? I can't post a link but it's claimed to be blackmail. The report is in the Guardian.
https:/ /www.da ilymail news/ar ticle-1 4422771 /Stagfl ation-f ears-ri se-firm s-slash -jobs-R eeves-B udget.h tml \\In yet another blow to the Chancellor, a damning report showed firms are now slashing... ...
https:/ / /news/a rticles /c80yr1 e4328o ....stands well back! ...
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/poli tics/20 17943/b oris-jo hnson-p lots-ma jor-car eer I hope so, best PM and Tory leader since TGL. Hopefully he'll return and drain the swamp. ...
By top man SK.
https:/ / /news/a rticles /cqlyv1 k9vyyo ....Lib Non Dems pushing for defence increases? ...
They support his efforts for peace in Ukraine. Well well well, what a supprise, NO its not, they are supporting and seeing the demolition of Nato. They must be dancing in the... ...
//When Sir Keir Starmer visits the White House next Thursday, he will be treading a fine diplomatic line. He will want to maintain his support for President Volodymyr Zelensky and Ukraine's... ...
At the moment Israel is supposed to be the most secure country worldwide. Bombs explode in 4 buses but no one is on them! With Israel determined to restart the bombing is this a good reason.
https:/ /www.ex press.c ws/poli tics/20 17376/n igel-fa rage-cp ac-2025 -misera ble-bri tain I think Farage has a point we are all miserable even the Labour voters. When you have life time Labour... ...
If there was a sinkhole in your street but your home wasn't directly affected would you move out if ordered? (I wouldn't) Could you be forced to?
https:/ /www.ex press.c nance/p ersonal finance /201691 0/union -bosses -demand -pay-ri se-rach el-reev es Of course she will cave in to please her masters. ...
https:/ /news.s story/a mp/flor ida-man -shoots -two-is raeli-t ourists -after- mistaki ng-them -for-pa lestini ans-pol ice-say -133117 90
a man in the USA shot two israeli men because he thought they were... ...
a man in the USA shot two israeli men because he thought they were... ...
What do you think of this? https:/ / zarahsu ltana/s tatus/1 8918640 4740805 0267 And this. https:/ / GBNEWS/ status/ 1892576 4160440 40674 ...
//The culture secretary has said she will raise concerns with BBC bosses about a documentary on Gaza that was narrated by the son of a Hamas official. The broadcaster has been criticised for Gaza:... ...
...after she complained that first picture showed her without a head covering. https:/ /www.da ilymail news/ar ticle-1 4398893 /Police -mugsho t-ISIS- terrori st-pict ure-Bri ml They aim to... ...
"Hamas paraded the four coffins in front of huge crowds before handing them over to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)" Unbelievable, just look at the pictures. Is nothing sacred... ...
Now the leader of the free world has described him as a 3rd rate comedian who took his country into a bloody war. I find it hard to believe Trump's characterisation of Zelensky. More lies from the... ...
Ursula von der Leyen I welcome the agreement on our 16th package of sanctions. The EU is clamping down even harder on circumvention by targeting more vessels in Putin’s shadow fleet and imposing... ...