Disillusioned with life in this country? in The AnswerBank: Current Affairs
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Disillusioned with life in this country?

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naomi24 | 08:20 Mon 07th May 2007 | Current Affairs
31 Answers
Have you considered moving abroad, and if so, why?
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I couldn't get a email address, but I got a phone number for British Nationality Help, 0207 70383980, they said that we are now no longer English, no such thing, we are British, not English, if anyone else wants to check, feel free.

And what I put in my second answer, about the breakup of England is also fact, just sit back and watch it happen.

NJOK, I guess your form wasn't an official goverment one.

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What did they say about the break up of England then, Lonnie?
I didn't ask them about that, didn't occur to me, I'll see if I can find something, and post it for you.
One day, maybe not in the next few years, but one day... all of this will be over-turned and I'll be able to apply for a driving licence and call myself 'English'. And finally, I'll be a happy man.

When that day comes, Lonnie, I'll remember you.

Thank you so so much for all you're doing.
Same as you, Lonnie, have actually fought for this country and am now so ashamed to admit to being British. You've just echoed my own feelings on it, with one exception - I am not in any way culpable for electing this shower of "snouts in trough" politicians that govern/bleed us dry. I WILL NOT vote for ANY of them, no matter what party - they are ALL liars and cheats, and, I am afraid that it's against my moral code to vote for liars!! I just hope that my kids and grandkids get out before the civil war that is surely coming!!
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Don't want to sound defeatist, NJOK, but I wouldn't hold your breath if I were you.
Thanks mike1222, voting or not is our perogitive in a democracy, if someone decides on a matter of principle not to vote, no-one can critise.
I'm wondering if NJOK has served at all?.
Naomi, yes I am considering moving abroad, to Japan. Not because their country is any better than ours, they have their own problems, but because there's a cool job in our satelite office I'd like to do!

However, i do agree that this country is going down the pan. I do think that we are being told that it is wrong to say anything against any other religion/country, but its fine for others to judge us. This country will eventually be run by the very people who are trying to bomb us. I think it's our lovely green pastures and picturesque villages that attracts them here. Oh and the fact we once tried to rule the world....

... oh and the fact we are bum chums with another country that is currently trying to rule the world....
I was wondering when you'd ask that, Lonnie, given that you mention your army career in just about every message.

Yes, Lonnie, I have served. Behind a bar in Withington for 2 years.

Does that make your views more valid that mine? Is that why you signed up, to score points in online arguments? Your regiment must be very proud.

Thanks again for all you've done.
NJOK, i'm not the only one, I happen to be very proud of the time I served, and so don't mingd mentioning it, if you've read my posts and answers, you'll know that i've only mentioned one active service theatre i've been in, and even then not what I did, or happened, maybe you could tell me what that was?, and not N.I. or maybe its just me that you've taken a dislike to for some reason?, as it only seems to be my posts and answers that you seem to get personel about.
Although i am proud to be from England, i fear for my children and what this once great country will be like when they have grown up. We are the worlds dumping ground, it breaks my heart to see what belonging to Europe has done to us. Hopefully i will win the lottery, so i can buy my own private island...lol.

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