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caslass | 23:07 Sun 31st Jan 2010 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Is it any wonder that George Bernard asked " Why can't the English teach their children how to speak"


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you forgot the question mark ;o)
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ye wot?
Or write for that matter.
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Exactly. Bedtime for me. Work tomorrow
123everton, did you miss a comma?
oh Lordy, I'm turning into LucyThomas/MarkRae!
Yes it's awful. Some of them can't even spell burgled.

You forgot Noknow sara :)
I know Jan, but I love him :o/
nokno spelt Michael wrong tonight.....but I didn't mention it.....
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That's different then sara. Well done craft for not correcting him. He would have only sulked.
ahms, my children speak Swahili.

jambo :o)
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thanks jan..........he does sulk which is why I was so sensitive to his needs....
The usual reason why people can't teach their children something is because they don't know how to do it themselves.
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