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Mini-Skirts are a danger!

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Gromit | 16:32 Fri 30th Jul 2010 | News
17 Answers
Male road accidents soar in summer due to women's short skirts

The scorching heatwave in early July caused road accidents to soar because male drivers were distracted by womens' skimpy outfits, according to insurance claim figures.

The latest statistics show that 29 per cent of men admitted being distracted by short skirts and low-cut tops in the Summer weather, leading to record numbers of accidents on the roads.

A spokesperson for Sheilas' Wheels car insurance said: "In the summer but men are significantly more likely than women to claim during the summer months - often as a result of wandering eyes.


Maybe the Vatican is right to ban them?


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Up with skirts!
Do away with skirts, problem solved!!!!
I want a mini skirt.
Why your obsession regarding Mini Skirts Gromit.

Is there something one could read into this?

Much more acceptable to be classed a racist than a ........................
than a skirtist?
We seem to be just skirting around the problem here.
It should be banned, shouldn't it? I mean having to drive when thoughtless women are wearing skirts up around their elbows. It's not on, is it? Hold them accountable when there's an accident, that's what I say. In fact, strip them of all respectability, too......and their skirts.
Obsession with mini skirts ...

Gromit keeps changing his avatar BUT .....

we never see him Below The Waist !!!

What is he hiding?
well, his current avatar discreetly veils his womanly curves, while not hiding the use of sfumato in the background
We can't win, short skirts (which can look lovely) put distract some blokes. Burkhas distract J Clarkson because he's thinking about undies. EYES ON THE ROAD chaps.......
Told you about that long time ago.
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Birdie, you know if a man can't control his sexual urges it's a woman's fault. Bring on the burqas!! Oops!! No, as Boxtops says, they have an adverse effect on Jeremy Clarkson. Goodness! Here's a dilemma! Maybe women should all stay at home.
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Burkas for men drivers, I say.
Not so sure its being distracted causing the accidents as much as the difficulty of turning the steering wheel with an 'eric shin'* jammed in the spokes of it.

*phonetic spelling

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Mini-Skirts are a danger!

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