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Well, It's Official Now

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excelsior-1 | 15:48 Wed 21st May 2014 | ChatterBank
44 Answers

good afternoon folks

up until now, my redundancy was just an 'at risk' situation however - today i have been given my three month formal notice of redundancy, and my final day will be august 23rd

(it's only now starting to sink in)


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Happy or sad excelsior? I'm not sure what position you're in? Do you have anything lined up as a replacement job?
Question Author

hello Elina

nothing lined up yet - could not be free to start applying until i got the notice
Onwards and upwards.

You've spent the last umpteen weeks polishing your CV, it must be sparkling by now. How many jobs have you applied for to get some interview practice in and secure a new and better job?

It's a new beginning, don't be gloomy it will just drag you down.
Yes of course. Will you be sad to leave? Was it a good place to work?
As eccles said, a new beginning for you!
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in all honesty Elina - i shall be happy to go
Ah o.k! It's sometimes the case. So, a new start, new direction maybe?
Excel - I was made redundant twice in my career and they turned out to be the two best things that could have happened. I know that's no consolation to you at the present moment, but you never know what is round the corner. Good luck in your search.
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thank you, Captain2
Good luck, excel, in finding something you're happier with. Probably a bit of a shock to be told officially, no matter what your feelings are there. How long have you been there? Xx
Aw cack, sorry to hear that excel. Hopefully the matter will rectify itself at the earliest opporunity.
Good luck.
Good luck Excel, I hope you find something that you will enjoy doing xx
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thank you......

sixteen and a half years, pixie
Wow. Bit of a wrench anyway x
Hoch neHqu' vIneH SoH - yIDo'!
(LiK's pi**ed...)
eek X-L here we were agonising about your being flamed on line

and here is a truly career threatening event.

Good or Bad ? and er how much ?

I applied for early retirement when my employer was kicking us around and trying to cut our dosh. At one time I asked why dont you fire all the b+ggas and get in youngsters at much less ?

and he actually said o we cant do that - the over-50s can do anything we ask, whereas the new ones just refuse.

and I said shouldnt you be giving us a pay rise ?

and he looked at me well you know as tho he were a reader of one of my usual posts on AB.....

I obviously didnt get the early retirement- wh was a pity ( for me) as it really wasnt a bad deal.

anyway good luck old fella
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lie-in ta' vIneH qatlho' QaQ
OK Excel message received and understood.

I do think you have been a bit daft to have spent all this time refining your CV and not sending it to any recruitment agencies or in resilience to job Ads though.

There was nothing stopping you for applying for another job and now you are at risk of there being a number of other similarly skilled folk in your situation chasing the same few positions. You really would have been wise to get ahead of the game.

Anyway, good luck with finding a new position.
L-i K wishes he was :-)

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