It will come as no surprise that I am for leaving.
There is nothing that the UK’s membership of the EU provides that could not be achieved outside but there is an awful lot that our membership prevents that could be of positive advantage to us.
You can forget, for the moment, the alleged economic advantages or disadvantages; you can even forget immigration; you can definitely forget the ludicrous claim that the EU “keeps us safe and secure” .The EU’s avowed intention is the creation of a single nation state called Europe together with the abolition of national governments. The UK will have no control over its taxes, its spending, its armed forces, its welfare policies, its foreign policy, its justice system or just about anything else the government currently controls. Revenue from taxes will be doled out by the EU and will have to be spent in the way the EU prescribes. Borders within the EU will cease to exist entirely. The UK’s opt out from Schengen will be discontinued. (It is already being denounced since the rest of the EU has begun to reap the rewards of their folly).
This will not happen tomorrow, or the day after. It will happen “salami style” with each step “not really that much different” to the one before. No amount of “renegotiation” by Mr Cameron or anybody else will alter that. No “opt outs” that he gains will be sufficiently robust to prevent the UK either becoming part of that state or forced to leave (if indeed a further treaty change has not been secured by then which prevents it).
If the people of the UK are happy with that (and indeed everything else about the EU) then they should vote to remain. If they want anything else they must vote to leave because they will not be given another chance.