I could have added, his curious reticence to support President Macron's stance against Islamic extremism & no clear statement on illegal immigration into the UK.
It was obvious last year what kind of person Boris Johnson is. Lazy, ineffective, selfish. He only cares about himself and his career and is not particularly hard-working or competent.
I agree with untitled. Boris is a joker, plays to the crowd. At first, I thought it was his modus operandum -a bit like 'Columbo'- act the fool get people off guard then go for the kill -unfortunately he has not got past 'act the fool'.
as i said over and again, if his party don;t want him because they feel he is not representing them or the country as a whole they have the option of a vote of no confidence.
Almost certainly, but it's not the man that is the problem. The general mess is the problem (not Covid though, it is but a convenient distraction) and the same symptoms will continue to be the same. A disconnect from reality is the biggest part of the mess.