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Boris Johnson

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Khandro | 22:35 Sun 29th Nov 2020 | Politics
294 Answers
I have supported him for a long time, but am beginning to wonder, my question now is; Is he a jerk?


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I could have added, his curious reticence to support President Macron's stance against Islamic extremism & no clear statement on illegal immigration into the UK.
perhaps he has his hands full right now, with covid, Brexit and a Pizzy parliament, why does he have to support Macron.
Macron isn't our concern let them deal with their own backyard.
It was obvious last year what kind of person Boris Johnson is. Lazy, ineffective, selfish. He only cares about himself and his career and is not particularly hard-working or competent.

But people ignored it.
so who would you put in his place
I agree with untitled. Boris is a joker, plays to the crowd. At first, I thought it was his modus operandum -a bit like 'Columbo'- act the fool get people off guard then go for the kill -unfortunately he has not got past 'act the fool'.
Rory Stewart.
I think that getting Covid has changed him completely and he has lost his spark.
getting ill couldn;t have helped admittedly,
I don't think "the spark" was ever there.

Maybe when he went on HIGNFY.

But he's just not leadership material and never has been. Good at faking it though and deceiving people.
strange that he became leader then.
Indeed emmie.

Tory party members fall for that kind of thing quite easily, sadly. It's the same reason so many of them are climate change denialists.
perhaps he is good at the glad handing and not so much at the tough stuff, only time will tell
as i said over and again, if his party don;t want him because they feel he is not representing them or the country as a whole they have the option of a vote of no confidence.
We are not eight weeks away from the Brexit deadline, we are four weeks and three days a

Boris will not be allowed to accepted a watered-down BRINO. If he did a mass Tory rebellion would bring down his government.
It will be a very long time before they do that. It took them forever to get out Theresa May...

The membership like him too because he's posh and good at talking. They like that.
there it is, posh, is he or just that he went to a good school, quite like a lot on the Labour side of the aisle
Who says the élitist Eton is "a good school" - not in y book it isn't.
Almost certainly, but it's not the man that is the problem. The general mess is the problem (not Covid though, it is but a convenient distraction) and the same symptoms will continue to be the same. A disconnect from reality is the biggest part of the mess.
well you would say that wouldn't you diddly,

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