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Spectator 2663

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teenieleek | 16:57 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
7 Answers

 41d 33d a good puzzle!

(that's a comment not a question)



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Oops 41ac

Thanks for the correction, but we still don't know what you want.

I agree, teenieleek - good to have a decent puzzle!

Bookbinder, as teenieleek say- 'a comment, not a question'. It'll only make sense to those who've finished. 

I need a hint for the unclued ...... help please. 

Caurcoocoo, the pair mentioned on this thread offers a way in. Both words are fairly gettable, they're in the correct order....

.... are they parts of similes ?


Am I right in thinking the title instructs the solver to shift 'as' ? If so, it seems a little weak as a title. I still enjoyed the puzzle, though !

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Spectator 2663

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