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Has Anyone Noticed.....?

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ToraToraTora | 09:51 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | Politics
47 Answers

Most of our resident lefties are disowning Labour now. eg Canary and untitled claimed Starmer was like George Osborne.

You won chaps you got real Labour is it not how you hoped it would be? Did you not remember them from the 70s? Be careful what you wish for.



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...except he's not cutting what is obvious to cut, eg £11.6bn for foreign climate change initiatives. Instead he's picking on pensioners presumably because he thinks they are Tories. He's also making it more difficult by giving in to the unions who'll extort gawd knows what inflation busting rises in the comming months. The WFP fiasco is small beear compared with those things.

(No genuine Labour Party member would attack the pensioners).  

christ - were you er educated by the Jesuits ?

what are the core set of values for Labour? - no I am not teasing

Tories - easy - power at any cost

Far right - Tories + nazi salutes

Instead he's picking on pensioners presumably because he thinks they are Tories.

demographically (I think) they are. havent bothered to look it up. - if you are not  socialist when young - you  have no heart, and if you  are still socialist when old, you have no brains

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canary: "No genuine Labour Party member would attack the pensioners" - perlease they know that most pensioners vote Tory me old china, they won't think twice about shafting them.

"except he's not cutting what is obvious to cut, eg £11.6bn for foreign climate change initiatives."

budget has not actually been completed yet and starmer has significantly rolled back on green commitments he made to become labour leader... i would not be surprised if this figure is cut. 

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don't have to see the budget, we are going to get hammered to pay for all the *** he's already given into. The so called black hole, if it really existed could be filled  by cutting foriegn aid alone, they are not going to do that because they think more of foreigners than their own. Then there is the 22% thin end of the gargantuan public sector pay wedge that will hit hard in the next year or two. There will be a lot of painful tax increases in the budget.

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......and then there is "net zero" or cut your own throat for no benefit whatsoever.

what's your point sorry? i did not vote for this and neither apparently did canary. yet you have made a thread about us supposedly being in favour?

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canary did he's in the party. See the link in the title.

....and you made all the noises like you would be voting Labour.

Starmer hasn't exactly gone out of his way to endear himself to the hard-left of Labour's Corbynite wing.  That said he has done what no other Labour leaders since Blair has done- actually won a general election.  You can't have it both ways.

Lefties don't follow theLeadership like so many sheep.  If they see something they disagree with they'll voice their opinion.

I think ot was more a case of the other party losing it than he winning it. That was effectively by default.

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12:54 Stop it my sides are splitting! 🤣

Thats not true thought is it Sandy, pin a red rossette on a donkey and the labour clan will vote for it.

From the last election it is clear proper conservatives wont.

Clichés and hackneyed phrases time. Hurrah

"....and you made all the noises like you would be voting Labour."

you're just lying now tora. you asked me at the time and i told you i would vote green.

I don't understand why Labour should be "going after/shafting" pensioners because they are tory. Shouldn't they be wooing pensioners, getting them on-side?...which they obviously aren't making any attempt to do.

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how can that be a lie, it's an opinion. You lefties really do need to learn what words mean. You say left wing things, you support left wing Ideals. It's quiet possible that you could be a Labour voter. In all the exchanges on here you come across as someone that would most likely vote Labour. Ok so you didn't but I bet you voted Lib non Dem or Green, both more left wing than Labour.

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pasta: "I don't understand why Labour should be "going after/shafting" pensioners because they are tory." - because they know that they don't have their votes anyway and have little chance of getting them, especially after the WFP fiasco.

An invention then.

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