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Will This Government Become The Most Hated In Recent History?

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naomi24 | 13:15 Sat 07th Sep 2024 | Politics
59 Answers

I think it's well on the way to claiming that title - and justifiably so.  After just a couple of months in office, this government has shown its true colours by revealing just some of what it didn't tell us before the election - and the results will resound right across the board.   I see Labour voters like rabbits in the headlights wondering what they've done.  I really think Mr Starmer's mad army will go out a lot quicker than they came in. 



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I say Best Answer to PP 14.12

There you go then Naomi two best answer to choose from.

You got to hand it to the cons, they had the best party games. King of the castle, that went on for months, and ended up with a Queen, who played monopoly one night and lost thousands of houses. They had many good games of musical chairs in the cabinet room, also kiss and chase, and if I catch you in the passage way my hands will wonder, Matt Hancock was top scorer in that game. Boris was top man at call my bluff, he did get called to the house of commons to collect his cards for the last time, complete with jokers in the pack. 5 card brag, Sunak was top man here, his 5 pledges that failed.:0)))

Well now there's more snakes than ladders, plenty of Frustration, a failure to answer 20 questions and its seems they haven't a Cluedo

Truss didn't crash the economy - merely frightened the horses. If she'd hung in there & carried through her policies who knows what would have happened.

errr.... yeah... who could say? 🤣

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Lots of Vicky Pollard responses - 'yeah but no but...', and a few personal nasties - as always - but few answers to the question.  

"Truss didn't crash the economy - merely frightened the horses. If she'd hung in there & carried through her policies who knows what would have happened."

The only principle difference beween Truss economics and Starmer economics is that Truss proposed unfunded tax cuts whereas Starmer proposes unfunded public spending. Mr Starmer insists, of course, that Labour's budget is "fully funded". We shall see.. 

Both said their strategy was intended to promote economic growth but it's hard to see how splashing enormous sums of cash (which must be funded by either tax rises, borrowing or both) on public sector salaries, renationalising the railways and building wind  and solar farms at enormous costs to consumers is likely to promote growth. All it will do is suck more money from people's wallets.

he's given £11.6bn to foriegners and £9bn to his union buddies then claims there's a £22bn black hole! Well if there is you made it me old china!

Give Labour a chance! They have to undo what the Tories did in 15 years! Labour can't put things right overnight. Calm down, everyone, and just wait and see what happens.

Sorry, I didn't answer the question - probably not. Labour supporters will not hear a word said against them. The Chattering Classes in Islington believe they are morally superior to the rest of the country and see it as their duty to rid the country of "Tory Scum" whenever the opportunity arises..

The unfortunate thing is that most Labour voters have never lived as an adult under a real Labour government. You have to be 65+ to have done that. Many of them, I am sure, will come to realise their folly, but Labour still has a core support which will see them through most criticism. 

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We're seeing what Labour is doing bookbinder - and it's not pretty.  Even that well-known Labour luvvie, Laura Kuenssberg is saying Starmer's 'blame the Tories' strategy will not hold forever.

Lets face it, its a bit of a Vicky Pollard question. It least this time round we will know where the tax payers money is going. Thats another games the cons enjoyed playing, with big rewards, hide and seek. Tax payers money being creamed off and hidden away, seeking it out, almost impossible, unless of course the tax payer pays even more trying to track it down.

 We would probably  be in a bigger mess if the Tories hadn't given out £40bn to the Furlough scheme and £20 bn to the Cost of living and helped out with the energy bills etc, etc.

The furlough scheme was a travesty - paying people to sit on their backsides was utter folly...but we've done that to death.


The only good thing about this Government is that they'll only be in for one term. The worrying bit (actually 'worrying' is too mild a word) the scary bit is what state they are going to leave the country in.

I feel a little sorry for Gulliver, he's lost his top spot for government bashing everyone is at it now :0)

The Tories left our public finances in a shocking state. Labour have done a good job so far. Starmer was firm and competent during the riots which were stirred up by Farage and the far right. After 14 years it feels like a breath of fresh air to me.

When can we expect the Tory Baroness  Mone and husband Trial..can't wait the popcorn

Fully agree fiveleaves. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. To many people moaning about nothing.

They appear to be taking their time gulliver. Heard anything about it was months ago. They arrested a close friend of the Mones??

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