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Labour On The Skids Already.

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davebro3 | 07:16 Sat 21st Sep 2024 | Politics
8 Answers

//No government has ever dropped so sharply in the polls. //



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🥱 No link have I ever clicked on has delivered so many advertisements. 

Do you get a kickback Dave?

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sod off you twit

Stop it, I'm welling up ere!

I wonder how the fools who voted for them now feel?

Labour will never get in again after this term and I for one can't wait to say, "Good riddance!" 

Yep I suppose those that voted for them had no idea what real Labour were like. Now they have 5 years of pain to get through but it will serve to stop them getting in again for another half century.

If the Daily Express is to be believed, people have a very short memory of how bad the last 14 years were under the corrupt/incompetent Tories – as I have said, Labour have a very, very, very, very long way to go to match that.

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This is reported in many papers - I put the Express cos there was no paywall (I think).

This time next year you'll be saying - "The Tories weren't all that bad really"!🤣

Can you imagine the outpouring of rage and anger if the tories had suggested ending the WFA?

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