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I Wonder Why This Number Is Rising So Quickly....

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ToraToraTora | 11:25 Sun 24th Nov 2024 | Politics
192 Answers

I think the nation has woken up to the error it has made.



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It IS a message in that so many people feel sufficiently at odds with what Labour is doing to register their disapproval so soon. I don't think this has ever happened before.
07:53 Mon 25th Nov 2024

How do they know that?

The Russians told them

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over 1.5m.....and counting 2m by midnight I reckon 😁

I've been watching the numbers here closely. I estimate 35 to 40 people are signing the petition every single second. 

Russian bots are busy today. Russian stooges are excited today.


If X/Twitter are saying that, it must be true😝

Wow, Atheist, do you suppose they had hundreds of thousands of emails and post codes at the ready?

Dream on.

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21:16 the lefties will love to say it's bots but they have a system that means the votes are all legit.

bots churn stuff out without effort. Russia is at war with us without the need for human typists or cannon fodder. Cheap as chips.

I hear the sound of knees knocking.  😂

On the petition website, the map of the UK showing the location of signatories is quite interesting.🤔

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I can see the JSON show signatures by country, look at line 149 and you can see that most of them are UK. Further analysis by town is down further.

Someone in France could claim to be British and enter a valid UK postcode.

How would that be picked up?

Surely TTT will know exactly what bots can do. He might not want to say, because he supports the aims of the petition


THECORBYLOON, wouldn't their IP address give them away? 

Well, I did eventually sign and share it.

It won't bring about a change of government (and probably shouldn't) but it SHOULD let the government know that it is not acting with the approval of very many of the people who voted for it and, hopefully, make it think twice or thrice about its actions sdofar - and any in the pipeline.

CURLYFRIES, I don't know if IP addresses are checked but even if they are, a fake IP address in the UK can be created.

1,652,551 signatures

And rising rapidly 

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