Delboy - you've fallen for the classic EU propaganda. Maybe on this little cartoon they should mention the other things the EU has done for us:
Increase the average British household's grocery bill by �25 per week by artificially high food prices due to the CAP.
Dumping cheap produce on the third world, especially Africa, thereby undercutting local producers.
Almost completely destroying the British fishing fleet by Edward Heath giving away our fishing grounds to European countries who illegally land undersized fish thereby threatening the fish stocks.
Being so corrupt that the EU auditors have not signed off its accounts for eleven years.
Opening our borders to allcomers. The British government estimated that only 13.000 immigrants would come to the UK from the new EU countries who joined in 2004. In the 12 months from June 2004, 230,000 immigrants poured into Britain from these countries. That figure has more than doubled to date.
Giving nearly �1.5 million per HOUR to the EU and getting less than half back with provisos how we spend it and having to match it � for �.
I could go on.
So you see it's not all sweetness and light in the EU. The sooner we leave the better. The only national democratic political party that advocates withdrawal from the European Union is the United Kingdom Independence Party.