Yes when I heard that we were contributing 1/4 of the EU's share, I just couldn't believe it. But then it is just the same with our contribution of troops to Afghanistan, we are always in there first, ever ready to dish out what we can least afford, taking that it has only just been announced that we are to cut our Defence budget. Why aren't the other parties banging the desk, and asking some searching questions, what is going off? But then it is becoming more and more obvious that we have a one party state in this country.
Listening to a radio phone-in last night, a person was asking the same question, what is going off? He went on to say that he was so disillusioned with our politicians that he was going to vote for the BNP at the next election, because it seems it is only them that are listening to the public, and seem to offering the British voter a true alternative.
The obviously left wing presenter, replied that this listener should not vote for the BNP, because they are crafty and are not telling the public the whole truth. This made me laugh does he really think that our existing party politicians are really telling us the truth? take the expenses for instance would we have found out about that if it had not been for the Times newspaper?