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R1Geezer | 09:12 Wed 14th Apr 2010 | News
4 Answers
At least 2 of the nationals are running with the £1Bn exes of Civil servants etc now. Are they a perfect compilent to MP's ?


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That is a bit of a cryptic question geezer, this link might help other to be in a position to answer your question.

They'll have to go some to beat UKIP-PER MEP Nigel Farage

He's boasted of having claimed £2 Million in exes!
If you mean in taking us, the tax payer for a ride, yes they are.

Be interesting to see how much Euro civil servants are taking us for
I have an acquaintance who after some years as a naval officer now has a highly paid (big pension pot) job in the M.o.D.

She has just started a Masters Degree course on full pay etc

In a few years she will be 55 and will be at liberty to take early retirement and will probably then take a Consultancy post (possibly in Brussels) for even bigger bucks.

My question is, in what commercial organisation would that fully funded degree sabbatical be signed off when there is so little prospect of payback?

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