Quizzes & Puzzles9 mins ago
If you are White and Middle Class, just forget it.
84 Answers
One more example of discrimination against whites.
Is it any wonder schemes such as these only fan the flames of racial division?
/// A Cabinet Office spokesman said: ‘We think the Civil Service should represent the people we serve and we make no apology for that. Selection for permanent positions is available to all and is always based on fair and open competition.’ ///
Yes, and they expect us to believe that also?
One more example of discrimination against whites.
Is it any wonder schemes such as these only fan the flames of racial division?
/// A Cabinet Office spokesman said: ‘We think the Civil Service should represent the people we serve and we make no apology for that. Selection for permanent positions is available to all and is always based on fair and open competition.’ ///
Yes, and they expect us to believe that also?
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Thanks for your supportive comments - i did try and defend AOG, but on reflection, i think he not only brings it upon himself, he actually encourages the hostility.
I am not made that way, and if i can walk away from trouble - and in this case I can - then i will - and i did.
Look forward to seeing you flying the flag for defence of curmudgeons - more power to you all!
Thanks for your supportive comments - i did try and defend AOG, but on reflection, i think he not only brings it upon himself, he actually encourages the hostility.
I am not made that way, and if i can walk away from trouble - and in this case I can - then i will - and i did.
Look forward to seeing you flying the flag for defence of curmudgeons - more power to you all!
You accuse ME of talking nonsense, after reading some of your posts I don't know how you dare, it would be more correct for you to say anyone who disagrees with sp1814 is talking nonsense, that is what you really mean, isn't it?
/// You are the one who constantly plays the race card. "It's soooo unfair.etc etc"///
Forever seeking a level playing field, is not being racist, one can see every day situations where the ethnic minorities are treated more advantageously than the indigenous population, the situation under debate is just one example.
/// Would you like me to embarrass you by searching through your last 20 posts? ///
If you class discussing matters of immigration, the rise of Islam in this country and certain English laws altered for some groups, as playing the race card, then feel free, I will not be embarrassed I am only saying what most think.
I class playing the race card as relying on one's ethnicity to gain preferential treatment, over the majority.
/// You are the one who posts links to sites which propose that blacks are intellectually inferior to whites.///
This is a complete untruth, and I wish you to provide examples, or apologise forthwith.
/// Why is it, that when someone challenges your ill-informed posts, they become the racist? Do you think that anyone buys it?///
Talk about "call the pot black" no one uses the racist word more than you, and regarding my ill-informed posts, they are only ill- informed posts to you because you do not agree with them, just like you cry down the Daily Mail when it prints something you disagree with, yet you are more than happy to use their links if they fit your agenda.
In the end when all else fails, why not revert to insults, that is your stock-in-trade?
/// Me want to be a straight White male? If it left me as bitter as some I
You accuse ME of talking nonsense, after reading some of your posts I don't know how you dare, it would be more correct for you to say anyone who disagrees with sp1814 is talking nonsense, that is what you really mean, isn't it?
/// You are the one who constantly plays the race card. "It's soooo unfair.etc etc"///
Forever seeking a level playing field, is not being racist, one can see every day situations where the ethnic minorities are treated more advantageously than the indigenous population, the situation under debate is just one example.
/// Would you like me to embarrass you by searching through your last 20 posts? ///
If you class discussing matters of immigration, the rise of Islam in this country and certain English laws altered for some groups, as playing the race card, then feel free, I will not be embarrassed I am only saying what most think.
I class playing the race card as relying on one's ethnicity to gain preferential treatment, over the majority.
/// You are the one who posts links to sites which propose that blacks are intellectually inferior to whites.///
This is a complete untruth, and I wish you to provide examples, or apologise forthwith.
/// Why is it, that when someone challenges your ill-informed posts, they become the racist? Do you think that anyone buys it?///
Talk about "call the pot black" no one uses the racist word more than you, and regarding my ill-informed posts, they are only ill- informed posts to you because you do not agree with them, just like you cry down the Daily Mail when it prints something you disagree with, yet you are more than happy to use their links if they fit your agenda.
In the end when all else fails, why not revert to insults, that is your stock-in-trade?
/// Me want to be a straight White male? If it left me as bitter as some I
Applying positive discrimination in favour of any minority group is one sure fire way to stoke up resentment. Everyone should be judged on merit and personality only. To promote or employ someone purely because they are black, disabled, gay or whatever is plain wrong. These people will then be accused of succeeding because of who they are, not their talents. The only fair way is to changed people's opinions and break down their prejudices. Not give preferential treatment to supposed minorities, it just adds fuel to the fire.
/// He still keeps trying to provoke me, so if it keeps him happy ///
I don't try and provoke you, I am above that.
It is only people like you who possess a superiority complex, who sorrowfully think that way.
Why else should you try and brag to another ABer, that you have somehow beaten me.
Not in your wildest dreams I'm afraid, you will never get anyway near to beating me in debate.
/// He still keeps trying to provoke me, so if it keeps him happy ///
I don't try and provoke you, I am above that.
It is only people like you who possess a superiority complex, who sorrowfully think that way.
Why else should you try and brag to another ABer, that you have somehow beaten me.
Not in your wildest dreams I'm afraid, you will never get anyway near to beating me in debate.
Thank you for bringing some adult sense into debate, while all around me revert to childish chitter-chatter
You are quite correct with your statement:
I do feel that the Site Rules are relaxed when it comes to the slagging off of AOG. If it happened in another section of the site there would be suspensions galore..
Can you wonder why I am always seeking a level playing field?
I am not afraid to speak my mind, and I will not tolerate what one is supposed to think these days.
Yes I may tread on a few toes, but I stand by what I say, but don't expect others to agree with me.
The only thing I am guilty of is being an individual, is their anything wrong in that?
I do not seek to change the world, only to speak my mind.
Thank you for bringing some adult sense into debate, while all around me revert to childish chitter-chatter
You are quite correct with your statement:
I do feel that the Site Rules are relaxed when it comes to the slagging off of AOG. If it happened in another section of the site there would be suspensions galore..
Can you wonder why I am always seeking a level playing field?
I am not afraid to speak my mind, and I will not tolerate what one is supposed to think these days.
Yes I may tread on a few toes, but I stand by what I say, but don't expect others to agree with me.
The only thing I am guilty of is being an individual, is their anything wrong in that?
I do not seek to change the world, only to speak my mind.
This bit was particularly amusing
To Andy
<<It is only people like you who possess a superiority complex, who sorrowfully think that way.>>
To Ummmm
<<Thank you for bringing some adult sense into debate, while all around me revert to childish chitter-chatter >>
How can someone post with such little self awareness or sense of irony?
To Andy
<<It is only people like you who possess a superiority complex, who sorrowfully think that way.>>
To Ummmm
<<Thank you for bringing some adult sense into debate, while all around me revert to childish chitter-chatter >>
How can someone post with such little self awareness or sense of irony?
You are speaking your mind. And people are trying to show why you're wrong (or they used to, most people seem to have given up now...) The fact that you consider this some kind of attack on your individuality is an incredible fallacy and also not-a-little egotistical.
For someone who has been around so long, you don't really seem to appreciate what freedom of speech actually is. Or, for that matter, what rational argument is. You proudly declare that 'I will not tolerate what one is supposed to think these days' but that's exactly the point - you won't listen. I have my values and beliefs too, but I will shamelessly abandon them (and have done several times) if people convince me otherwise.
Naturally, that doesn't mean I give in to any suggestion (though in my personal case I admit I am a little more suggestible than most people seem to be) - but I will let people challenge my views and rake them over the coals if needs be because that's how I better my understanding. There is no merit in sticking with something purely for the sake of consistency or 'sticking to your principles' if there's no other basis for them.
For someone who has been around so long, you don't really seem to appreciate what freedom of speech actually is. Or, for that matter, what rational argument is. You proudly declare that 'I will not tolerate what one is supposed to think these days' but that's exactly the point - you won't listen. I have my values and beliefs too, but I will shamelessly abandon them (and have done several times) if people convince me otherwise.
Naturally, that doesn't mean I give in to any suggestion (though in my personal case I admit I am a little more suggestible than most people seem to be) - but I will let people challenge my views and rake them over the coals if needs be because that's how I better my understanding. There is no merit in sticking with something purely for the sake of consistency or 'sticking to your principles' if there's no other basis for them.
To return to some order for a moment, I’m sorry if I misunderstood your earlier post (14:06) rojash.
Nonetheless, until now recruitment by whatever method to the police (including these “internships”) was open to all. Now it is not and one perceived injustice (which was not an injustice at all because ethnic minority applicants were always welcomed) has been replace with a real one.
Of course all employers seek to recruit the people they want and need. However until the advent of Ms Harman’s ridiculous “Equality” Bill they could not set conditions which clearly discriminated against a group of applicants based on their race. They could not, for example, stipulate “must live locally” if most of the local population was, say, white. This would be deemed indirect discrimination.
Now they can operate directly discriminatory policies for no other reason than they want, quite unnecessarily, to achieve a quota of all races. It is a clumsy way to achieve an unnecessary target and will simply lead to resentment.
That’s definitely all from me on this one as it seems to be descending into a personal argument.
Nonetheless, until now recruitment by whatever method to the police (including these “internships”) was open to all. Now it is not and one perceived injustice (which was not an injustice at all because ethnic minority applicants were always welcomed) has been replace with a real one.
Of course all employers seek to recruit the people they want and need. However until the advent of Ms Harman’s ridiculous “Equality” Bill they could not set conditions which clearly discriminated against a group of applicants based on their race. They could not, for example, stipulate “must live locally” if most of the local population was, say, white. This would be deemed indirect discrimination.
Now they can operate directly discriminatory policies for no other reason than they want, quite unnecessarily, to achieve a quota of all races. It is a clumsy way to achieve an unnecessary target and will simply lead to resentment.
That’s definitely all from me on this one as it seems to be descending into a personal argument.
"Shall we bar all African, Indian or any other nationalities tourists from entering England, because they may turn from tourists to immigrants as soon as they set foot on our shores"
Why did you only mention non-whites? Odd that.
"sp also says “How dare anyone dispute his Englishness” well I’m afraid to say I must dispute that fact, he may be British but he is not English, just the same as a white person of English parents, born in Mumbai would not be Indian, or likewise a white person born in Kingston would also not be Jamaican, Chris Eubank tried to take himself off as the perfect English gent, by dressing as the stereotype Englishman but that also did not make him English"
Cheeky little man. Someone who thinks he can define what someone else is, and states that a black man born and bred in England is not 'allowed' to call himself English. I absolutely hate people like that. They disgust me. They really, really do.
They are the kind of people who frown on black players playing for England.
"Shall we bar all African, Indian or any other nationalities tourists from entering England, because they may turn from tourists to immigrants as soon as they set foot on our shores"
Why did you only mention non-whites? Odd that.
"sp also says “How dare anyone dispute his Englishness” well I’m afraid to say I must dispute that fact, he may be British but he is not English, just the same as a white person of English parents, born in Mumbai would not be Indian, or likewise a white person born in Kingston would also not be Jamaican, Chris Eubank tried to take himself off as the perfect English gent, by dressing as the stereotype Englishman but that also did not make him English"
Cheeky little man. Someone who thinks he can define what someone else is, and states that a black man born and bred in England is not 'allowed' to call himself English. I absolutely hate people like that. They disgust me. They really, really do.
They are the kind of people who frown on black players playing for England.
And this one is stunning (although its gays in his cross hairs now):
"Having occasionally watched The Graham Norton show on TV, one cannot help noticing the constant innuendoes aimed at gays.
This being so why haven't the gay lobby voiced their objections, the same as some others would if there were innuendoes aimed at blacks? "
"Having occasionally watched The Graham Norton show on TV, one cannot help noticing the constant innuendoes aimed at gays.
This being so why haven't the gay lobby voiced their objections, the same as some others would if there were innuendoes aimed at blacks? "
But the worst was the link you posted to the site which supports the theory of eugenics.
I abhor people like you. You are without worth, and for that reason, I have decided that I shall no longer engage in any debate with you, because like my mum says, when you throw mud, it's your own hands that get dirty. You need not respond to this post, because I assure you, your opinions and comments are nothing I want to read.
I abhor people like you. You are without worth, and for that reason, I have decided that I shall no longer engage in any debate with you, because like my mum says, when you throw mud, it's your own hands that get dirty. You need not respond to this post, because I assure you, your opinions and comments are nothing I want to read.
/// And people are trying to show why you're wrong.///
In their opinion it would seem.
Most people on this site consider anyone wrong, if they are not Left-Wing, if they are Anti-EU, if they do not toe the political correctness line, if they are against the rise of Islam in the UK, if they have views on mass immigration into Britain, if they dare criticise anyone who happens to be non-white, no matter if they deserve criticism, and in some cases how horrific their crimes, they will also continually anyone who dares to quote the Daily Mail.
You state that I class it somewhat an attack on my individuality, if they disagree with me, that is completely wrong, I do not wish others to agree with me, that is their choice just as it is my choice to hold certain views, the difference however is the fact that they will be openly aggressive and personally insulting, from the very off-set, which I can honestly say I have never been, unless first provoked.
You accuse me of not listening, I do and I have also agreed and apologised at certain times, but if you expect me to automatically agree with someone's views, just so I then can be 'one of the pack' then that is never going to happen.
/// And people are trying to show why you're wrong.///
In their opinion it would seem.
Most people on this site consider anyone wrong, if they are not Left-Wing, if they are Anti-EU, if they do not toe the political correctness line, if they are against the rise of Islam in the UK, if they have views on mass immigration into Britain, if they dare criticise anyone who happens to be non-white, no matter if they deserve criticism, and in some cases how horrific their crimes, they will also continually anyone who dares to quote the Daily Mail.
You state that I class it somewhat an attack on my individuality, if they disagree with me, that is completely wrong, I do not wish others to agree with me, that is their choice just as it is my choice to hold certain views, the difference however is the fact that they will be openly aggressive and personally insulting, from the very off-set, which I can honestly say I have never been, unless first provoked.
You accuse me of not listening, I do and I have also agreed and apologised at certain times, but if you expect me to automatically agree with someone's views, just so I then can be 'one of the pack' then that is never going to happen.
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