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Is Britain run by the 'Left'

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anotheoldgit | 12:07 Wed 06th Apr 2011 | News
34 Answers
Even though we have a Tory led government in power, it seems that the 'Lefties' and 'Luvvies' still run Britain.

I think Quentin Letts has a point, do others agree or disagree?


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Perhaps Cameron is a Tory in the same way Blair was a Socialist

As in 'not really' (Oh dear!)

Modern politics has moved into 'the Centre'
that may be the case craft, but the Shetland are Scottish islands
Not if you're a Shetlander they're not.
wrong craft, a minority of Shetlanders maybe still think that but most do not
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if you have been blaming the left for everything for 13 years, and then you get a Conservative leading the Government, you might expect a great change and possibly an improvement.

But not a lot has changed, so who are you going to blame now? You cannot blame the Conservatives because you are supposed to support them, so you convince yourself the lefties are still in charge.

At best Mr Letts is delusional. A more unkind person might say the notion that their is a lefty conspuracy, is just potty.
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"Calling a Shetlander a Scot is like calling a Scotsman an Englishman,,,the Shetland people have dont like to be tagged as Scottish"

in Scotland we have a word for that statement, it is "pish"
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people like me lmfao?..
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I have said many times before, just because I class myself Right Wing it does not stop me being critical of a so called Right Wing government, if in my opinion they are making mistakes.

Unlike the Left, who most of the time are so politically brain washed, that they will not criticise their leaders no matter what disastrous avenues they take them down, 'following the sheep' springs to mind.
Right wing - Left wing

Yesterday's terminology now reserved for the Fringe or the obsolete.
Like the left didn't critcise Blair and hound him out of office or didn't attack and get rid of Mowlam or Straw. Then give Brown a kicking

'following the sheep' you mean like Clegg blindly selling his party down the river or Dave criticising his health minister and stating his reforms, stating they needed to be reviewed whilst saying said flawed reforms would be instituted?

Theres sheep, bigger sheep and blindly following or making up propaganda when there is absoloutley nothing to support it.
Yes - talking of 'the past'

I don't think there is any evidence that there has been less bickering, in-fighting and splits on policy in, say, The Labour Party than The Conservative Party.

Objective evidence to the contrary Old Git?

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Is Britain run by the 'Left'

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